TX–Vikings vision is:
TX – Vikings flying on two wings: -unity and the great commission… and that we uncompromisingly bless Israel.
Psalms 133,1 – 5 & John 17,20 – 26.
Mark.16, 15 – 20.
Rom.11, 1 – 36.
We are a harvestmachine in the last days… and are called to be
«God´s grace to Europe & the middle East»
We believe that the bible is the living word that is breathed through the living God and that The Holy Ghost is given us as a helper and confirm the Word in Spirit and powerproof!
We are a family on wheels that practice what God has called us to:
– to live in reconsiliation, forgiveness, unity under his kingdom & autority that overshadows any other power.
That means we are dedicated with an eternal faithfullness to the word in life & ministry!
We believe in colorful team without superpreachers!! We are a teamwork in
The Holy Ghost where each and everyone is a part of what God is doing among us… leaders is set to impart the others and to multiply leaders and disciples so we can be effective in the Lords harvestwork and not to be a hindrance for our helper The Holy Ghost.
Your friend in Christ (Icebreaker)